“The Pretty Housewife,” created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1915 in Paris, France, is an oil on canvas painting that falls within the Expressionism art movement. This portrait is currently housed at the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia, PA, USA.
The artwork portrays a housewife dressed in a black top with a white collar and a light blue apron. She stands with an aura of quiet dignity, her hands delicately resting on a woven basket. The background is textured and dark, emphasizing her form, with warm brown and red hues that contrast with her lighter clothing. Modigliani’s signature style is evident, characterized by elongated facial features and a serene, introspective expression that encapsulates the essence of the subject. The simplicity of the composition and the color palette further enhance the expressive quality of the portrait, reflecting the artist’s distinct approach to capturing the human soul.