“The Raising of Lazarus,” created in 1890 by Vincent van Gogh in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, France, is an artwork rendered in ink on paper. Belonging to the Post-Impressionism movement, this piece is categorized as a sketch and study in its genre.
The artwork portrays the biblical event of the resurrection of Lazarus. Illustratively, it shows a figure emerging from a tomb, likely Lazarus, surrounded by expressive, gestural lines typical of van Gogh’s style. Another figure, possibly Jesus, is depicted with an arm outstretched towards Lazarus, signifying the miraculous act. The use of succinct, bold ink strokes conveys the drama and movement inherent to the scene. The background features minimalistic lines hinting at an outdoor setting with what appears to be a tree and the sun among other surroundings, adding depth and context to the overall composition.