“The Rape of Bigarschol,” crafted by David Bowie in 1996, aligns with the Neo-Expressionism movement and is categorized under the figurative genre.
The artwork presents a vivid and chaotic scene replete with intense colors and abstract forms. Dominated by red and orange hues, the composition encapsulates a sense of turmoil and anguish. A white horse, central to the piece, is depicted alongside dark, grimacing human-like faces. The figures and forms appear distorted and contorted, which augments the unsettling atmosphere. The horse’s dynamic posture contrasts sharply with the prone, fragmented human figure at the bottom, evoking a narrative rich in symbolism and emotional intensity. The piece’s stark, expressive lines and bold color choices are quintessential to the Neo-Expressionist style, conveying deep psychological insight and raw, unfiltered emotion.