“The Regentesses of the Old Men’s Almhouse, Haarlem,” is an oil on canvas painting created by the renowned artist Frans Hals in 1664. This Baroque period artwork serves as a portrait of five women, who were often responsible for the administration of a charitable institution. Measuring 170.5 x 249.5 cm, the painting is housed in the Frans Hals Museum located in Haarlem, Netherlands.
The artwork vividly captures the somber yet authoritative demeanor of the women, encapsulated in their dark, voluminous robes and stark white collars and caps. Each figure exudes a sense of dignity and seriousness, reflective of their responsibilities. Among the group, one woman holds a feathered fan, indicating her prominent status. The background is simple and understated, drawing attention to the subjects. Hals’ masterful brushwork and use of light skillfully convey not only the textures of their attire but also the varied expressions on their faces, giving insight into each woman’s personality and the gravity of their role. Through this portrayal, Hals offers a compelling glimpse into the social and charitable structures of 17th-century Dutch society.