The artwork titled “The Rider in Front of the Hub” is a significant piece by Paul Gauguin, completed in 1892 during his time in French Polynesia. This piece is representative of the Cloisonnism art movement and was rendered in oil on canvas, with dimensions measuring 58 by 34 centimeters. The genre of this painting is considered genre painting, capturing a scene from everyday life. Currently, the artwork is held in a private collection, indicating that it is not on public display.
In the artwork, one observes the use of bold outlines and a vibrant color palette, characteristics of the Cloisonnism movement, which Gauguin was notably associated with. The composition depicts a natural landscape with various elements including trees, a rider on horseback, and figures in the background, possibly natives of the region. The scene is suffused with an interplay of light and color that creates a dreamlike atmosphere. The use of color shows a departure from the naturalistic representation and moves towards a more expressive and symbolic use of color, which Gauguin and his contemporaries were known for. The depiction of the rider, trees, and surrounding environment is stylized and abstracted, indicative of Gauguin’s innovative approach to painting, influenced by his experiences in the South Pacific and his desire to escape the conventions of European art.