The artwork titled “The Scream (after Munch)” was created by artist Andy Warhol in 1984. This piece, executed in silkscreen, belongs to the Pop Art movement and falls within the figurative genre. It is part of the series “The Scream (after Munch) 1984.”
The artwork is a reinterpretation of Edvard Munch’s iconic painting “The Scream,” rendered through Warhol’s distinct Pop Art style. The central figure in the image is depicted in bold, contrasting colors, highlighted against a vibrant and abstract landscape. Warhol employs his signature silkscreen technique to create a visually compelling composition that combines elements of both modernity and tradition. The background features dynamic and wavy lines, representing sky and landscape in somewhat abstract patterns, creating a vivid sense of movement and energy. Warhol’s rendition maintains the emotional intensity of the original masterpiece while infusing it with a contemporary and colorful flair.