The artwork titled “The Sixth Month (Left),” created by the renowned artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi around the year 1849, is executed in the medium of woodblock print. This masterpiece belongs to the Ukiyo-e art movement and is classified under the genre of genre painting. The dimensions of the artwork are 36 x 24.5 cm. Presently, the artwork is housed in the British Museum, London, UK.
The artwork illustrates an elegantly dressed young woman gazing upwards under a starry night sky. She is adorned in a traditional Japanese kimono with intricate designs in shades of blue, complemented by floral patterns and geometric motifs. Her hair is styled meticulously, adorned with ornamental hairpins and flowers. The background portrays a serene riverside scene with a winding river, interspersed with foliage and highlighted by the subtle glow of lanterns. The wooden structure she leans on suggests an intimate, tranquil setting, perhaps a veranda. The delicate interplay of color and pattern captures the essence of the Ukiyo-e style, reflecting both a celebration of everyday beauty and an appreciation for the natural world.