“The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters” is an evocative artwork by Francisco Goya, created in the year 1799. This piece, renowned for its thought-provoking nature, was fashioned through the mediums of aquatint and etching on paper. The artwork measures 21.8 x 15.2 cm and belongs to the genre of caricature. It is a pivotal work within the “Los Caprichos” series and is an exemplary representation of the Romanticism art movement. Currently, the artwork resides in a private collection.
The artwork depicts a man, presumably the artist himself, who has fallen asleep at his drawing table. His dream state or lack of reason has given rise to an assembly of ominous creatures; bats, owls, and other nightmarish figures encircle him, symbolizing the irrational and darker elements that lurk in the absence of enlightened thinking. The title of the work, “El sueño de la razón produce monstruos,” which translates to “The sleep of reason produces monsters,” appears etched below the scene, reinforcing the central theme.