“The Sleeper,” crafted by Tamara de Lempicka in 1932, is a portrait produced using oil on canvas. This artwork is a renowned example of the Art Deco movement. The painting expertly captures the essence of the genre with its elegant and stylized depiction.
The artwork portrays a woman in a state of peaceful slumber. The subject’s face is relaxed, resting gently on her arm, which is draped over a soft surface, suggesting a serene moment of rest. The smooth, almost luminescent quality of the woman’s skin contrasts beautifully with the serene, dark background. Her wavy blonde hair cascades elegantly, enhancing the softness and intimacy of the scene. The use of geometrical shapes and sharp lines, characteristic of the Art Deco movement, can be observed in the clean contours of her face and body. The overall composition exudes sophistication and tranquility, underscoring Tamara de Lempicka’s mastery in blending modernist aesthetics with classical portrait techniques.