“The Slippers of Cinderella,” crafted in 1894 by the esteemed artist Aubrey Beardsley, is an exquisite illustration executed with pen, ink, watercolor, and paper. This work belongs to the Art Nouveau movement, alternatively known as Modern, and is categorized under the genre of illustration. Currently, this remarkable piece resides within a private collection.
The artwork presents a striking depiction of Cinderella, distinguished by her long flowing hair and elegant, voluminous orange dress adorned with bows and intricate lace. She stands poised, emphasizing her delicate white slippers, against a backdrop of lush, stylized floral elements reminiscent of the natural and ornate motifs characteristic of Art Nouveau. The background showcases an overarching architectural setting with repetitive arches, contributing to the sense of depth and narrative within the scene. The meticulous attention to detail and the harmonious blend of vivid colors and fluid lines underscore Beardsley’s signature style.