The artwork, titled “The Soga brothers practising swordstrokes on a heap of snow,” is created by Utagawa Kuniyoshi and belongs to the Ukiyo-e art movement. It is a genre painting that vividly captures everyday scenes and historical moments.
In the artwork, two figures, presumably the Soga brothers, are depicted engaging in the practice of sword strokes. One figure is kneeling on the ground, intently focused on the heap of snow before him, while the other stands upright, overseeing or assisting with the practice. The artist employs vivid colors and intricate patterns in the clothing, which adds to the dynamic and lively atmosphere of the scene. Traditional Japanese attire and the serene winter setting effectively convey both the historical context and the cultural significance of the depicted practice. The inclusion of Japanese calligraphy and text in the upper portion of the work further enriches its narrative and cultural depth.