“The Solothurn Madonna,” created by Hans Holbein the Younger in 1522 in Germany, is an exquisite oil painting on wood, representative of the Northern Renaissance art movement. This religious painting, which measures 140.5 x 102 cm, showcases the Virgin Mary seated with the infant Jesus, flanked by a bishop on the left and a knight on the right, each providing a protective and honoring stance towards the central figures. Holbein’s meticulous attention to detail is evident in the opulent garments, the serene expressions, and the rich, warm tones that breathe life into the divine and regal characters within the artwork.
The Solothurn Madonna (1522; Germany) by Hans Holbein the Younger
Artwork Information
Title | The Solothurn Madonna |
Artist | Hans Holbein the Younger |
Date | 1522; Germany |
Medium | oil,wood |
Dimensions | 140.5 x 102 cm |
Art Movement | Northern Renaissance |