“The Souls of the Mountain,” created by Remedios Varo in 1938, is an oil painting on plywood that embodies the Surrealism movement, specifically as a symbolic painting. Currently residing in a private collection, the artwork exhibits the dreamlike qualities characteristic of Surrealism, aiming to explore psychological realms and the unconscious mind.
The artwork presents a hauntingly ethereal scene, reminiscent of a dreamscape, where the lines of reality are blurred. Towering figures materialize from the rocky landscape, their forms elongated and shrouded in an almost mystical atmosphere. The figures are humanoid but possess an otherworldly quality, blending human features with the raw, textured surfaces of stone formations. Their expressiveness conveys a depth of sentience, suggesting these are not mere inanimate objects but beings laden with emotion and spirit.
These monumental forms are connected by a continuous white line that meanders around and through them, creating an enigmatic relationship between the entities. This line could be interpreted as a symbolic representation of a shared consciousness or lifeforce, uniting the ‘souls’ the title alludes to. The palette of the artwork is predominantly subdued, dominated by earthy tones that accentuate the mystical and somber mood.
Subtle, swirling patterns in the background contribute to the sense of motion and transformation, as if the scene is in a constant state of flux, reinforcing the Surrealist fascination with the changing and illusory nature of perception. There is an intriguing juxtaposition between motion and stillness, as the tendrils of the mountainous souls seem almost fluid, yet they are anchored firmly within the canvas.
Overall, “The Souls of the Mountain” captures the essence of Surrealism with its otherworldly depiction and symbolic narrative, inviting the viewer to unravel its profound mysteries and the connections between the depicted elements.