“The Street,” created by the artist Balthus in 1933, is an oil painting on canvas, measuring 195 x 240 centimeters. The artwork belongs to the art movement known as Metaphysical art and falls under the genre of genre painting. This significant piece is housed at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City, NY, US.
The artwork depicts a seemingly ordinary street scene that is imbued with a dreamlike quality characteristic of Metaphysical art. In the composition, various figures engage in everyday activities: children play, men carry objects, and passersby interact. Despite the quotidian nature of the activities, the scene’s individuals appear frozen in orchestrated poses, lending the piece an eerie stillness. The meticulous attention to detail, proportion, and perspective invites viewers to delve into the deeper layers of meaning and emotion encapsulated in these ordinary moments. The blend of vivid and muted hues further emphasizes the surreal ambiance, making the mundane street a focal point of contemplation and intrigue.