The artwork, known as “The Super Powers (4581),” is a figurative piece created by the artist Howard Finster in the year 1985. This artwork belongs to the Art Brut movement, a genre characterized by raw and unrefined artistic expressions often created by self-taught artists or those outside the traditional art establishments.
The artwork presents a vibrant, surreal scene that captivates the viewer with its whimsical imagery and intricate details. Two large, anthropomorphic figures dominate the composition, their black forms contrasting sharply against the colorful landscape. They stand amidst an idyllic, pastoral setting replete with rolling green hills, blooming trees, and quaint structures. A procession of people depicted in various colors and patterns moves along a winding path, adding a sense of movement and communal gathering to the piece. Finster incorporates text within the artwork, blending written word with visual art to convey his message. The entire scene unfolds under a serene blue sky, dotted with the moon, stars, and flying objects, evoking a dreamlike atmosphere that invites contemplation.