“The Trainers” is a notable artwork created by Edgar Degas, dating back to approximately between 1892 and 1894. Executed in pastel, a medium the artist is particularly renowned for, the work is classified within the genre of genre painting and aligns with the Impressionist movement—a style that Degas helped to pioneer. While the present location of the artwork is a private collection, it continues to be recognized as part of Degas’s significant contributions to art history with its distinctive portrayal of everyday life and movement.
The artwork captures a serene, yet dynamic, scene of horse trainers in the midst of their daily activities. Several figures on horseback are depicted, spread across the expanse of the composition. The trainers are in various states of motion, with some depicted at a trot while others are at a standstill, engaged in conversation. The soft, yet vibrant strokes of pastel create a sense of atmosphere and depth, with a gentle harmony of earthy tones that blend the figures into their environment. Degas’s impressionistic touch is evident in the loose handling of the medium and the way light and shadow are suggested rather than meticulously outlined.
In the foreground, one can observe a group of three riders clustered together, possibly in discussion. Their relaxed postures and the casual drapery of their attire suggest the routine nature of their work. The figures themselves are rendered with just enough detail to convey their roles and the individuality of their horses without overtly meticulous detailing, a hallmark of Degas’s style. In the background, another group of trainers rides across a field, their forms appearing almost as a mirage against the soft backdrop suggesting a distant landscape—a testament to Degas’s skill in creating atmospheric perspective.
Overall, “The Trainers” embodies the fleeting nature of everyday moments, captured with the subtle spontaneity and the delicate interplay of color and light that are characteristic of Degas’s impressionist works.