The artwork, titled “The Tribe of Benjamin,” is a stained glass window created by the artist Marc Chagall in 1962, France. This piece, executed in vitrage (glass), is part of the Naïve Art (Primitivism) movement and belongs to the design genre. It is located at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel.
The stained glass window presents a vibrant and dynamic composition with an intricate interplay of colors and shapes. Dominated by hues of blue, green, and purple, the design features abstract forms and symbolic references, characteristic of Chagall’s style. Interspersed within the artwork are elements that likely correspond to the biblical Tribe of Benjamin, including various geometric shapes and artistic motifs. The vibrant colors and flowing lines come together to create a sense of movement and harmony, evoking a spiritual and contemplative atmosphere appropriate for its setting in a synagogue. The overall effect is one of profound beauty and religious significance, inviting viewers to reflect on the visual narrative and its cultural context.