The artwork titled “The Two Friends,” created by Tamara de Lempicka in 1923, is an oil painting on canvas that measures 130 by 162 centimeters. This piece belongs to the Art Deco movement and can be classified within the genre of nude painting (nu). Currently, it is housed at the Petit Palais in Geneva, Switzerland.
The artwork depicts two female figures in a stylized and geometric form, characteristic of the Art Deco style. Both women are portrayed in a nude state, lying in a relaxed position that suggests intimacy and connection. The composition is a masterful blend of sharp lines and soft curves, with bold, contrasting colors adding to the modernist aesthetic of the period. The background, rendered in angular shapes, contributes to the overall sense of abstraction and elegance. Tamara de Lempicka’s technique and distinctive style are evident in the meticulous detail, the dramatic poses of the figures, and the fusion of classical and contemporary elements.