“The Unicorn (unfinished),” created in 1976, is an artwork by Salvador Dali, a seminal figure whose works are often associated with Surrealism, though this piece is characterized under the Expressionism movement. This mythological painting remains incomplete, providing insight into Dali’s creative process and his exploration of fantastical themes.
The artwork reveals the figure of a horse, rendered with a high level of detail and precision, particularly in the musculature and mane. Its form is set against a vague and somewhat foreboding backdrop, with cloud-like formations that contribute to the work’s enigmatic quality. Despite the title suggesting the presence of a unicorn, the absence of a horn indicates either a departure from the traditional mythological depiction or a part of the work that was not realized due to its unfinished state. The horse stands out with a strong contrast against the darker, softer background, drawing the viewer’s eye to its refined figure and the incomplete narrative that Dali leaves open to interpretation. The work’s unfinished nature allows an intimate look into Dali’s artistic process and might evoke a sense of wonder about the mythical subject’s intended majesty.