The artwork titled “The Universe,” created by Hildegard of Bingen circa 1165, belongs to the Romanesque art movement and is classified within the genre of miniature. It is part of the series “Scivias – Scito vias Domini (Know the Ways of God).”
The artwork presents a vivid, allegorical depiction of the universe. Dominated by a rich palette of colors, the intricate design features a multitude of celestial elements arranged in a cosmological order. At the center lies a circular formation, encapsulating an inner circle of white representing the core of the universe, encircled by a serpent coiled around a sphere—possibly reflecting the earthly realm. Surrounding the central motif is a vivid array of stars scattered against a deep blue background, each meticulously rendered. The external perimeter is adorned with elaborate, golden-hued flames and radiant red stars, encapsulating the entire cosmos. The use of symmetry and repetitive patterns is emblematic of Romanesque artistic principles, while the detailed iconography invites a contemplative engagement with the divine cosmology as interpreted by Hildegard of Bingen.