“The Upper Room: Mono Rojo,” created by Chris Ofili in 2002, is an exemplary piece from the Neo-Expressionism art movement, falling within the figurative genre. This artwork is part of “The Upper Room” series, which dates back to 2002.
The artwork is characterized by a vibrant and intricate composition dominated by shades of red, interspersed with a mosaic of other vivid colors such as blues, purples, and greens. The piece demonstrates a dynamic interplay of swirling, abstract forms, creating a visually engaging and almost hypnotic quality. The intricate patterns and layering of colors suggest a depth and textural complexity, capturing the viewer’s attention and inviting them to explore the details and nuances within the composition. The overall rich and bold aesthetic of “The Upper Room: Mono Rojo” exemplifies Ofili’s distinctive style and command of color and form.