“The Watering Place at Marly le Roi in Winter,” created by Alfred Sisley in 1875, is an evocative oil painting on canvas epitomizing the Impressionist movement. This cityscape, measuring 49.5 x 65.4 cm, resides in the esteemed National Gallery in London, UK.
The artwork captures a serene, winter scene in Marly le Roi, a former royal residence near Paris. An expanse of snow blankets the ground, juxtaposed against bare trees silhouetted against a soft, golden sky tinged with subtle hues of blue. In the foreground, a reflective body of water mirrors the cool, muted tones of the season. Sisley’s characteristic loose brushstrokes provide a delicate balance between detail and abstraction, inviting the viewer to experience the tranquillity and subtle dynamism of the winter landscape.