The artwork, titled “The White Skirt,” is an oil painting on canvas, created by Balthus in 1937. This piece, which falls under the genre of portraiture, is part of the Expressionism art movement. It measures 130 x 162 cm and is currently held in a private collection.
The artwork portrays a young woman seated in an elaborate wooden chair, her posture exuding a sense of casual repose. She is depicted wearing a flowing white skirt that cascades down the chair, paired with a partially open white blouse. Her hair, a mass of soft curls, adds an element of naturalism to the composition. The background features drapery on the right, adorned with intricate detailing, contributing to the depth and ambiance of the painting. The subdued color palette and the expressive rendering of the figure’s face and posture epitomize the stylistic traits of Expressionism, capturing both the emotional and physical state of the subject.