“The Woven Child,” an installation by Louise Bourgeois, aligns with the Confessional Art movement. The artwork, crafted from fabric, stainless steel, glass, and wood, measures 70 x 35 x 21 inches. It is held as part of the Stoddard Acquisition Fund at the Worcester Art Museum.
The artwork showcases a complex and evocative composition, featuring stitched and padded elements that form an abstract representation. Predominantly constructed from soft, stitched fabric, the piece also integrates a diaphanous textile shroud enveloping a fetal-like figure positioned atop a larger, amorphous form. These components are encased within a sleek, minimalistic glass and stainless steel frame, creating a striking juxtaposition between the organic textures of the fabric and the cold rigidity of the metal. This interplay of materials poignantly reflects the emotional and psychological depth characteristic of Bourgeois’s works, inviting introspection and engagement with themes of vulnerability, creation, and identity.