The artwork titled “The young Benkei holding a pole,” created by the artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi, is a genre painting representative of the Ukiyo-e art movement. This particular piece plays a significant role in the depiction of everyday life and legendary narratives prevalent in the Edo period of Japan.
In the artwork, a robust young figure is portrayed grasping a massive pole, seemingly heavier and longer than the youth. The pole is adorned with various ceremonial and militaristic items, including weapons and paper talismans, indicating a scene of great cultural and historical resonance. The young Benkei, notable for his determined expression and strong physique, is dressed in traditional Japanese attire with prominent colors and patterns that contrast vividly against the muted background. The composition captures a dynamic stance, suggesting both physical strength and the burden of responsibility. The use of bold black lines and vibrant colors is distinctive of the Ukiyo-e style, adding a dramatic flair to the narrative elements of the painting.