“The Young Chimaera,” created by Max Ernst in 1920 in Cologne, Germany, is a Dada artwork measuring 25.5 by 8.5 cm. This symbolic painting, housed in a private collection, is crafted using collage, gouache, watercolor, and paper.
The artwork depicts a surrealistic figure, which appears to be a fantastical hybrid creature, seemingly embodying multiple elements and forms. The upper part of the figure resembles a mechanical or industrial apparatus, with intricate details and patterns. The body transitions into organic shapes with textures that evoke a sense of both rigidity and fluidity. The figure stands alone on a yellowish background, suggesting an environment that is both stark and enigmatic. The use of vivid colors and strong lines reflects the innovative and avant-garde nature of the Dada movement, challenging traditional artistic conventions and provoking thought and introspection.