The artwork titled “Think Tank,” created by the artist Banksy in 2003, falls under the art movement of street art and is categorized within the graffiti genre. The piece portrays a thought-provoking scene wherein a man and a woman are seated at a dining table, both clad in vintage diving suits. The image of the couple appears to be engaging in an intimate moment, raising glasses in a toast, with a small flower vase on the table. Above their heads, drifting from the straws in their drinks, is a pink heart symbol, adding a touch of romanticism to the scene. The background of the artwork displays a heavily textured, distressed look, further emphasizing the characteristic style of street art. The juxtaposition of the diving helmets and the tender interaction creates a powerful commentary, resonating with themes of isolation and connection.
Think Tank (2003) by Banksy
Artwork Information
Title | Think Tank |
Artist | Banksy |
Date | 2003 |
Art Movement | Street art |