The artwork titled “Three Hands,” created by Vincent van Gogh circa 1884 in Nuenen, Netherlands, exemplifies the Realism art movement. Rendered in chalk on paper, this sketch and study piece is housed at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The artwork depicts three hands sketched in different positions and perspectives. Each hand is meticulously detailed, capturing the natural positioning, texture, and contours intrinsic to human hands. The topmost hand is partially closed with visible articulation of knuckles and tendons, while the middle hand is open, displaying an intricate play of light and shadow on the palm and fingers. The bottom hand is closed into a fist, demonstrating careful study of hand anatomy and structure, showcasing van Gogh’s dedication to realism and his developing skill as an artist. The use of chalk on paper lends a soft, yet expressive quality to the sketches, emphasizing the lifelike and dynamic nature of the human form.