The artwork, titled “Title page, Angel,” was created by Marc Chagall in 1956 in France, employing the medium of lithography on paper. This piece falls under the art movement of Naïve Art (Primitivism) and measures 37 x 27 cm. It is a religious painting and is part of the “Bible lithographs (1956)” series.
In the artwork, an angelic figure is depicted using a combination of bold, black lines and gentle washes of yellow, which radiate a sense of both grace and ethereality. The forms are simplified and imbued with a sense of innocence and directness that is characteristic of the Naïve Art movement. The angel appears to be captured in a moment of movement or embrace, conveying a spiritual and tender quality. The background and figure blend seamlessly through the use of fluid, almost dream-like strokes, which culminate in a composition that is both contemplative and visually striking.