The artwork, titled “Title plate with St. Peter and St. Paul,” was created by Hans Holbein the Younger in 1523 in Germany. The medium of the artwork is woodcut on wood, reflecting the characteristics of the Northern Renaissance art movement. The dimensions of the artwork are 24.3 x 16.6 cm, and it falls under the genre of design. Currently, the piece is housed at the Kunstmuseum Basel in Basel, Switzerland.
The artwork is a meticulously crafted woodcut that presents a title plate adorned with intricate imagery of St. Peter and St. Paul. The upper section features heraldic elements and possibly a city emblem flanked by angels. The central area contains a block of text, likely serving as the title plate for a publication, bordered on each side by depictions of St. Peter holding keys and St. Paul holding a sword and book, indicating their traditional iconography. The lower section of the artwork includes detailed images of symbolic animals, such as a lion and an ox, with decorative scrolls and other flourishes. The artwork exemplifies the detailed and expressive style characteristic of the Northern Renaissance.