The artwork, titled “Tomimori Sukeemon Masakat dodging a brazier,” was created by the esteemed artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi. It belongs to the Ukiyo-e art movement and is categorized as a battle painting.
In this compelling work, the viewer is presented with a dynamic scene depicting the character Tomimori Sukeemon Masakat in the act of dodging a brazier. The figure is portrayed in mid-motion, capturing the intensity and agility required in the midst of a skirmish. The composition is marked by bold lines and vibrant colors, typical of the Ukiyo-e style, which bring the scene to life. The background is filled with traditional Japanese text, providing context and adding depth to the narrative. The intricate patterns on the character’s clothing and the detailed portrayal of his determined expression contribute to the overall drama and energy inherent in the artwork.