The artwork “Traveling Water,” created by Yayoi Kusama in 1980, belongs to the Art Brut and Pop Art movements and is categorized under the figurative genre. The artwork features a vibrant composition, predominantly in green hues, punctuated by a central rectangular section that showcases a bright blue background with white cloud-like shapes. This central section appears to be framed with a brown border. Surrounding the rectangle, the green background is adorned with a grid-like pattern and scattered pink circular forms, which add contrast and visual interest. The outer edges display horizontal black stripes, giving the piece a layered and multidimensional appearance. The use of colors and patterns reflects Kusama’s distinctive style, creating a visually engaging and thought-provoking piece.
Traveling water (1980) by Yayoi Kusama
Artwork Information
Title | Traveling water |
Artist | Yayoi Kusama |
Date | 1980 |
Art Movement | Art Brut,Pop Art |