The artwork, titled “Tsuchigumo,” was created by the renowned artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi. It belongs to the art movement Ukiyo-e and is categorized under the genre of battle paintings.
The artwork vividly portrays a dynamic scene involving two samurai in an intense battle against a colossal spider. The samurai on the left appears poised and ready, gripping a sword with his other hand, while his expression conveys determination and concentration. The other samurai, positioned slightly higher and to the right, is depicted holding a scroll, seemingly in the midst of casting a spell or summoning aid. The spider, with its monstrous form and distinctive markings, dominates the background, adding a sense of urgency and drama to the scene. The intricate details of the web and the juxtaposition of the calm sky above with the chaotic battle below contribute to the artwork’s compelling storytelling. The use of vibrant colors and meticulous brushwork is characteristic of Kuniyoshi’s mastery in the Ukiyo-e style.