“Turkish Father and Son,” created by David Bowie in 1978, is an exemplar of Neo-Expressionism within the portrait genre. The artwork vividly captures the raw, emotional bond between a father and a son through its bold and dynamic brushstrokes. The father, situated prominently in the composition, exudes a sense of solemnity and introspection, his contours defined by darker, more saturated hues. The son, seated slightly behind, is enveloped in softer tones, yet his countenance reflects a poignant mirroring of the father’s emotional depth. The background, with its swirling, almost chaotic strokes, accentuates the vividness and complexity of the figures, imbuing the scene with a profound expressive intensity characteristic of the Neo-Expressionist movement. The richness of colors and the textured application of paint in the artwork seamlessly converge to evoke a deeply resonant portrait of familial connection.
Turkish Father and Son (1978) by David Bowie
Artwork Information
Title | Turkish Father and Son |
Artist | David Bowie |
Date | 1978 |
Art Movement | Neo-Expressionism |