The artwork titled “Turquoise sky, pink mountains, purple foot,” created by Nicholas Roerich in 1940, is a splendid example of landscape genre painting, informed by the Symbolist art movement. Symbolism often seeks to represent ideas and emotions through allegorical imagery rather than literal depictions, investing the piece with a sense of meaning beyond the immediate visual impression.
In the artwork, one can observe an ethereal turquoise sky that seems to illuminate the scene with a serene and tranquil light. This sky forms a contrasting backdrop to the striking pink mountains, which command the central focus of the composition. The mountains bask in a warm, rosy glow, possibly suggesting the caress of sunset or sunrise. At the lower portion of the composition, we encounter what appears to be a rugged landscape denoted as a “purple foot,” which adds a layer of depth and textural variance to the overall piece.
The careful interplay of these vivid and unorthodox colors grants the landscape a dreamlike quality that is typical of Symbolist works, evoking an emotional response and inviting contemplation from the viewer. It is this emotive power and the evocation of the sublime in nature that give Roerich’s painting its enduring resonance and appeal. This piece stands as a testament to Roerich’s mastery of palette and his unique vision within the Symbolist movement.