“Tuxedo,” created by Jean-Michel Basquiat in 1982, is a screenprint on canvas that embodies the Neo-Expressionism and Street Art movements. The figurative artwork, measuring 260.8 x 151.8 cm, is currently housed at the Tony Shafrazi Gallery in New York City, NY, US.
The artwork predominantly features a black background adorned with white text, symbols, and abstract drawings that appear sporadic yet methodically placed. At the top, a distinctive crown motif, often associated with Basquiat’s works, draws immediate attention. Surrounding this emblem are various enigmatic sketches and inscriptions, which include references to historical figures, mathematical and scientific notations, and an array of cryptic icons. The disparate elements combine to evoke a sense of organized chaos, reflecting Basquiat’s commentary on social and cultural issues. The dense and layered composition invites viewers to decipher the underlying messages and meanings encoded within the intricate interplay of imagery and text.