The artwork, titled “Two birds,” is a woodcut created by Wassily Kandinsky in 1907 in Munich / Monaco, Germany. It is an expressive piece, reflecting the Expressionism art movement. The dimensions of the artwork are relatively small, measuring 13.6 by 14.4 centimeters, and it falls within the genre of animal painting.
The artwork depicts two birds within a striking and abstract composition. One bird is perched on a branch, shown in bold, dark lines, emphasizing its presence against a vividly stylized background. The design is intricate, with flowing shapes and lines creating a sense of motion and harmony. The background features swirling clouds and abstract vegetation, blending seamlessly to suggest an otherworldly landscape. The precision of the woodcut technique is evident in the meticulous detail and high contrast, a hallmark of Kandinsky’s early exploration into abstraction and expressive forms. The monochrome palette enhances the dramatic and poetic ambiance of the composition, characteristic of the Expressionism movement.