The artwork titled “Two Heads of Men,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1885, belongs to the Post-Impressionism art movement. Characterized as a sketch and study, the piece exhibits van Gogh’s exploration of human anatomy and facial expressions through his distinct yet evolving style.
The artwork portrays two male profiles meticulously rendered in a sketch-like manner. The upper head illustrates a man with a somber expression, his features defined by bold and deliberate shading. His downward gaze accentuates a sense of introspection or contemplation. Below, another male head is drawn with intricate hatch marks, displaying a contemplative posture. The artist’s use of lines and shading emphasizes the rugged textures and depth of their faces. Through this study, van Gogh demonstrates his mastery over capturing human emotion and the essence of form using minimalistic yet impactful strokes.