The artwork titled “Two studies for Madame X” is a pencil sketch created by the renowned artist John Singer Sargent circa 1883. This piece, classified under the Realism art movement, measures 24.4 x 34 cm. It is categorized as a sketch and study and is currently housed at the British Museum in London, UK.
The artwork portrays two views of a woman, delineated with delicate pencil strokes that highlight the artist’s attention to form and detail. The left figure is shown in profile, capturing the elegance of her posture and the contours of her dress with fluid, expressive lines. Similarly, the right figure, also in profile but slightly more forward-facing, conveys an intimate, introspective moment, perhaps as she engages with a book or object. The use of minimal lines to suggest form and motion exemplifies Sargent’s mastery in capturing the essence and grace of his subjects.