“Two-Tongue Johnnie,” a mixed media artwork by David Lynch created in 2012 in Los Angeles, California, United States, belongs to the Art Brut movement and is categorized under the figurative genre. The artwork depicts an abstract, humanoid figure with an exaggeratedly large head and a protruding dual tongue. Rendered in a raw and unrefined manner typical of Art Brut, the figure is clad in what appears to be a garment with a pattern evoking a childlike innocence. The black background contrasts starkly with the textured, three-dimensional elements that compose the figure, highlighting its peculiar form and lending it a sense of isolation. The handwritten inscription “two-tongue Johnnie” hovers above the figure, further emphasizing its titular characteristic and contributing to the artwork’s enigmatic and somewhat unsettling aura.
Two-Tongue Johnnie (2012; Los Angeles, California, United States) by David Lynch
Artwork Information
Title | Two-Tongue Johnnie |
Artist | David Lynch |
Date | 2012; Los Angeles, California, United States |
Medium | mixed media |
Art Movement | Art Brut |