“Two Women Crossing the Fields” is an oil on paper artwork created by Vincent van Gogh in 1890, during his time in Auvers-sur-Oise, France. This piece, executed in the Cloisonnism art movement style, measures 30.3 by 59.7 centimeters. It is classified as genre painting and is currently housed in the McNay Art Museum in San Antonio, Texas, USA.
The artwork portrays a serene rural scene, depicting two women in vibrant clothing walking through an expansive, vividly colored field. The figures are illustrated with distinct outlines and areas of flat color, characteristic of Cloisonnism. The landscape surrounding them explodes in a tapestry of greens and blues, depicting the lush growth and distant rolling hills. A farmhouse is visible in the background, adding to the bucolic atmosphere. The women’s hats and dresses are rendered in contrasting yet harmonious hues, emphasizing their presence against the sweeping natural scenery. The scene evokes a sense of tranquility and timelessness, capturing a moment of everyday life in the countryside.