The artwork titled “Two Women in the Woods,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1882 in The Hague, Netherlands, is a genre painting rendered in oil on paper. The piece belongs to the Realism art movement and is currently held in a private collection.
In the artwork, two women are depicted walking through a dense, dark forest. The path beneath their feet contrasts with the thick trees surrounding them. The figures are rendered in somber tones, with the dominant color being a deep brown that merges them with the forest background. Highlights of green foliage add depth and texture, enhancing the realism of the scene. Van Gogh’s brushstrokes, visible and expressive, capture the texture of the environment, giving a sense of the outdoor light filtering through the canopy and the earthy path underfoot. The overall mood exudes tranquility, solitude, and an intimate connection between the figures and their natural surroundings.