The artwork titled “Universe” by the artist Phase 2, created in 2010, is a notable piece within the street art movement, specifically in the genre of graffiti. It showcases the distinctive and dynamic essence of graffiti as an art form.
The artwork features a diverse array of elements, prominently displaying a detailed black-and-white depiction of a person with a strong expressive gesture, almost as if manipulating the space around them. This central figure is juxtaposed against abstract symbols and layers of graffiti tags, contributing to the complexity of the piece. To the right of the human figure is an animated character, illustrated with simplicity yet vibrant in movement, forming an engaging contrast with the surrounding tagging and Chinese characters. Flanking the artwork on either side are intricate cutout figures, adding a three-dimensional aspect to the overall composition. The scene is further enriched with vibrant surroundings, including trees and a paved area that frames this outdoor mural. Such a composition encapsulates the raw and unfiltered nature of street art, marrying various components that seek to convey a larger narrative.