The artwork titled “Unknown Young Man at his Office Desk,” created by Hans Holbein the Younger circa 1541 in Germany, is an oil painting on wood. This Northern Renaissance portrait measures 34.9 by 47 centimeters and is currently housed in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.
The artwork depicts a young man seated at his desk, gazing directly at the viewer. He is adorned in a fur-lined coat and a black cap, embodying the Northern Renaissance style with meticulous attention to detail in his attire and facial features. The background is a subdued, soft hue that enhances the focus on the subject. The inscription in gold lettering on the left side of the painting indicates the date “1541” and the age of the man, “28.” The young man’s hands rest on a green cloth-draped table, with one holding a rolled-up document and the other positioned near an inkwell and quill pen, suggesting his engagement in activities related to writing or administration. This genre portrait exudes a sense of composure and intellectual pursuit, characteristic of Holbein’s ability to convey individuality and personality through his portraits.