The artwork titled “Untitled #196” by Cindy Sherman, created in 1989, is a notable piece within the Feminist Art movement. As part of her “History Portraits” series, which spanned from 1988 to 1990, this artwork is classified under the genres of portrait and self-portrait. Sherman’s “Untitled #196” exemplifies her unique approach to exploring themes of identity and representation.
In the artwork, Cindy Sherman portrays herself adorned in historical attire reminiscent of classical portraiture. She is dressed in a refined suit with a ruffled white collar, yellow breeches, and black boots, seated against an elaborately patterned backdrop of rich textiles. The composition and detailed costuming harken back to traditional portrait techniques, yet through Sherman’s distinctive lens, it challenges and subverts conventional depictions of gender and identity. The controlled use of lighting emphasizes her face, enhancing the dramatic and enigmatic nature of the piece.