The artwork, titled “Untitled #204” by Cindy Sherman, was created in 1989 as part of the “History Portraits” series, which spans from 1988 to 1990. Falling under the Feminist Art movement, this photographic piece exemplifies the genre’s critical engagement with themes of identity, representation, and the constructed nature of visual culture.
In “Untitled #204,” the artist depicts a figure clad in opulent historical attire, composed of rich fabrics and adorned with pearls. The subject’s costume and setting invoke the grandeur and style reminiscent of classical portraiture. Sherman’s attention to detail is evident in the sumptuous textures and intricate embellishments, creating a striking visual narrative. The figure’s expression, along with the thoughtful arrangement of elements within the composition, invites viewers to reflect on the conventions and artifice of historical representation. The artwork, through Sherman’s characteristic blend of parody and homage, challenges traditional portrayals of femininity and the roles assigned to women in art and society.