“Untitled #207” is an artwork created by Cindy Sherman in 1989, falling within the Feminist Art movement. This piece, characterized as both a portrait and self-portrait, is part of the “History Portraits” series (1988-1990). The artwork captures the transformative and performative aspects of Sherman’s practice, wherein she adopts various historical personas, thus engaging in a dialogue with the portrayal of women in art history.
The artwork features an individual adorned in historical attire, characterized by a voluminous garment in muted colors and a corded belt. The figure’s hands are delicately clasped, resting in front. A rich, dark background and solemn lighting, accentuated by the soft glow of candles, frame the subject, lending a Renaissance-like aura. The meticulous attention to costume and setting underscores Sherman’s interrogation of traditional portraiture and the construction of identity.