“Untitled #215” is an artwork created by Cindy Sherman in 1989. It belongs to the Feminist Art movement and is a part of her “History Portraits” series, produced between 1988 and 1990. This particular piece falls under the genres of portrait and self-portrait.
In the artwork, the subject is adorned in elaborate, historical attire, meticulously detailed with ornate lace and embroidery. The individual presents an androgynous appearance, with a direct gaze that engages the viewer, evoking a complex interplay between gender, identity, and history. The background features a rich, deep drapery which adds a theatrical quality to the composition, while a classical statue is subtly placed in the shadows, enhancing the sense of historical reference. Sherman’s use of costume and makeup to transform her own appearance challenges traditional notions of portraiture and self-representation, making a profound statement within the context of feminist art.