“Untitled #216” is an artwork created by Cindy Sherman in 1989. The piece is part of the “History Portraits” series, produced between 1988 and 1990, and is considered an example of Feminist Art within the genre of photographic artwork.
The artwork features a female figure dressed in elaborate historical attire, reminiscent of Renaissance portraits. The figure, wearing a gold-hued dress and a crown, is depicted breastfeeding an unseen child, as she holds a swathed infant in her left arm. A rich blue drape provides a vivid contrast to the intricate lace backdrop. Sherman’s portrayal challenges traditional representations of femininity and motherhood through a critical and humorous lens, utilizing costume and props to explore themes of identity and gender roles within the context of historical portraiture. The artwork embodies Sherman’s distinctive style of transforming herself into various characters to critique societal norms and expectations.