The artwork titled “Untitled #354,” created by Cindy Sherman in the year 2000, belongs to the Feminist Art movement and is classified as a photo. This work exemplifies Sherman’s distinctive approach to exploring identity and societal roles through elaborate self-portraiture.
In the artwork, a woman is portrayed seated against a plain backdrop. She wears a floral-patterned dress adorned with colorful embroidery around the collar and sleeves, and a large wooden bead necklace. Her heavily made-up face and blonde wig contribute to an exaggerated appearance, characteristic of Sherman’s exploration of stereotypes and societal constructs. The woman’s face is painted to a dramatically tan shade with overly bright, white teeth, emphasizing artificial beauty standards. Her posture is composed, with hands folded gently on her lap, drawing attention to the costume and makeup that reflect Sherman’s critique of gender roles and societal perceptions of femininity.